Floral Night Adventures - Cămașă Bărbați | Textile Division 
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Floral Night Adventures - T-shirt for men
Resize Pattern - 35%
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Minimum quantity 1

Product group T-shirt for men
Date created 2019-07-15 16:31:41
Fabric choices COTTON Poplin
The item preview is a simulation. The actual result might be slightly different in terms of positioniong and zoom of the pattern.

T-shirt for men
Available soon
This is a demo project for now. In the near future, you will be able to order this object with any pattern available or even with a pattern made of your pictures.
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All the materials used are of the highest quality. Choose from the list of materials the one that best suits your project. They are heavier, more porous, finer materials. If you have more questions, you can always contact us directly here on the site.[...]

Floral Night Adventures - Fabric
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Fabric choices
COTTON Poplin Cotton

Weight: 135 grams/square meter

Width: 150 cm

Fabric class: Cotton

Fabric Structure: Plain

It is a strong fabric produced by the rib variation of the plain weave and characterized by fine, closely spaced, crosswise ribs. It is made with heavier filling yarns and a greater number of warp yarns and is similar to broadcloth, which has even finer, more closely spaced ribs. It is used for shirts, pajamas, women’s wear, and also as a decorative fabric.

About: Textile Division is an young Romanian design & print company creating high quality textile products for designers, architects and consumers, apparel, home accessories and advertising systems.
Member since: 2019-05-06 13:22:08
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